I have always wanted to take pictures of fireworks....I don't know why exactly.  I just thought it would be a fun thing to try.  As I look back over the pictures I realized that fireworks look like flowers in the sky.  So, here are a few pictures of my Flowers in the sky!
Having a place to go - is a home. Having someone to love - is a family. Having both - is a blessing. ~Donna Hedges
I can't believe summer is half over.  Time flies when you are having fun.  Love my sweet little girl.
Freshly Heaven Sent...Davis, you trully are a little piece of heaven here on earth. 
What a sweet angel.

It's about a girl who is on the cusp of becoming someone.. A girl who may not know what she wants right now, and she may not know who she is right now, but who deserves the chance to find out.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper
Sierra, You are a beautiful young woman.